Home Humor I don’t even know the place my horn is. – The Bloggess

I don’t even know the place my horn is. – The Bloggess

I don’t even know the place my horn is. – The Bloggess


Victor and I are at the moment giving Hailey recommendation to arrange for his or her driving take a look at and we’ve very completely different concepts on the way to cope with deliberately aggressive dickholes on the highway. Victor is all for honking at them as a result of “How else will they know that they’re idiots?” however I defined that honking simply makes them extra offended and it’s a lot simpler to simply pull up subsequent to them and level frantically with concern in the back of their automotive like they possibly have a serial killer hiding within the mattress of their trunk or a knife protruding of their tire in order that they have to drag over in a parking zone and spend time feeling dumb as a result of they will’t work out what nonexistent factor I used to be pointing at and it slows them down sufficient that I don’t need to cope with them anymore and doubtless makes them drive a bit extra fastidiously for awhile as a result of they’re paranoid that one thing goes to fall off their automotive and/or explode. Victor was speechless, however most likely simply because he was very impressed.



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